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Limited Use Public Water Systems

Environmental Health

  •  239.252.5530



    Mailing Address

    3339 Tamiami Trail East 

    Bldg H Ste. 302 

    Naples, FL 34112  

This program regulates Limited Use Public Water Systems (LUPWS) which are public water systems that are not covered by the Safe Drinking Water Act. These are small public water systems that either serve a small population or otherwise serve water on a very limited basis. More specifically, these are systems that serve less than 15 service connections OR less than 25 people OR provide water to the public less than 60 days per year.

These types of systems include:

  • Limited Use Community Water System which serves piped water to five or more private residences or two or more rental residences.
  • Limited Use Commercial Water System which serves piped water to one or more non-residential establishments. If a commercial LUPWS provides no water for public consumption, it can obtain “registered” status and be exempt from the requirements to obtain an annual operating permit.
  • Multifamily Water Systems which serves piped water to three or four residences, one of which may be a rental residence.
Chapter 64E-8, Florida Administrative Code, establishes the standards to construct, modify or operate public and private water systems that fall under 381.0062, F.S. The construction of a drinking water supply well is regulated by Chapter 62-532, Florida Administrative Code and is implemented by Collier County Growth Management Division, which issues well construction permits and regulates the construction of wells in Collier County. More information on Limited Use Public Water Systems can be found on the Florida Department of Health Limited Use Wells webpage.