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Healthy Collier Coalition

Main Office

Healthy Collier - A Health Equity and Health Improvement CoalitionThe Healthy Collier Coalition is a partnership of community members and groups working to protect, promote, and improve the health of our community.

The Collier County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) is a collaborative effort by the members of the Healthy Collier Coalition. It is a plan to improve the health of the residents and visitors of Collier County by addressing five health priorities that were identified by over 1,200 participants in the Community Health Assessment (CHA).

The CHIP strategies and objectives were set by the Healthy Collier Executive Committee, which established health priority workgroups to implement the strategies and achieve the objectives. While the CHIP is a community-driven and collectively owned health improvement plan, The Florida Department of Health in Collier County (DOH-Collier) is charged with providing administrative support, tracking and collecting data, and reporting results.

The workgroups hold quarterly meetings to review current public health data, track the status of implementation efforts, and identify obstacles and needs for additional information. The workgroups additionally conduct annual reviews of health indicators and information relevant to their health priority area.

To hold workgroup members accountable, DOH-Collier provides a staff liaison to each workgroup who coordinates quarterly meetings, monitors action plans, and collects data to monitor progress. DOH-Collier compiles that information and reports it to the CHIP Executive Committee and all the Healthy Collier Coalition Members.

Quarterly Updates

Check Our Progress

Select the image below to access the most recent Healthy Collier Quarterly Report


Get Involved

To join one of the Healthy Collier CHIP workgroups or for more information contact:

Elissa Hidalgo