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Healthy Communities

Main Office

Addressing the public health threat of weight is a priority for the Florida Department of Health in Collier County. Healthy Communities of Florida is focused on creating healthy environments, supported by public-private collaborations across state agencies, not-for-profit organizations and commercial businesses, to help Florida’s children and adults choose healthy eating and active living. Chronic diseases affect many people in Collier County. These diseases generally become more prevalent in the older age groups. As the older adult population of Collier County increases, the prevalence of these diseases will likely increase at a similar rate.

However, the most common chronic diseases can be prevented or have a slower start or progression through behavior changes. Increased physical activity, good nutrition, decreased alcohol use, and quitting smoking are behavior changes that have proven to reduce the risks of chronic disease.

However, these choices and health outcomes are much more than genetics and motivation. The policies and environments in places we live, work, and play have a massive impact on our health. DOH-Collier collaborates with our community partners to make healthy choices in nutrition and physical activity accessible, everywhere you are:

  • Worksites
  • Farmers’ markets and food access
  • Transportation committees
  • Schools and early care and education centers
  • Community events

To partner in or learn more about these community health initiatives, please contact:

Reggie Wilson
Healthy Communities Coordinator