Tobacco Prevention
Tobacco Prevention
Additional Resources
The Tobacco Prevention Education Program of Collier County works towards educating the community on the harmful effects of all tobacco products (Cigarettes, Electronic Vapor Products, Smokeless Tobacco, Cigars, Etc.) The Tobacco Prevention Program also focuses on improving the health of its residents by preventing and reducing the use of tobacco and nicotine products through policy, system, and environmental changes throughout Collier County.
Policy Areas
Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing
The goal of Smoke-Free Multi-Unit Housing is to eliminate Floridians' exposure to secondhand and thirdhand smoke and electronic vapor aerosol, focusing on apartment complexes and condominiums.
Point of Sale (POS)
The goal of POS is to educate people on the benefits of eliminating menthol from all tobacco products and to educate them on how marketing/advertising can influence people to purchase and utilize tobacco products.
Tobacco Free Public Spaces
The goal of Tobacco Free Public Spaces is to educate counties and municipalities about the importance of regulating smoking in their Parks/Beaches.
To educate decision-makers (elected school district staff) on the importance of adopting tobacco control model policies into public school policies and assisting with strengthening current tobacco control model policies.
Tobacco Free Collier Partnership
The Tobacco Free Collier Partnership is comprised of individuals and agencies representing many different sectors of the community including hospitals, nonprofit organizations, governmental agencies, medical clinics, educational institutions and community leadership groups committed to establishing a Tobacco-Free Collier County.
To develop and promote policies which reduce the use and effects of tobacco in Collier County.
Prevent youth and young adults from starting to use tobacco products
Protect collier county citizens from involuntary exposure to secondhand tobacco smoke
Provide support to local tobacco consumers who want to quit
At no cost, Tobacco Free Collier Offers:
- Help for local businesses to adopt tobacco-free workplaces policies
- Assistance for local businesses that want to provide tobacco cessation benefits to their employees
- Assistance and tools for property managers and condominium owners who want to offer "smoke-free" as an amenity
- Free presentations on a variety of additional tobacco control initiatives, particularly Big Tobacco‘s manipulative marketing tactics towards children
Students Working Against Tobacco (SWAT)
SWAT Mission
Students Working Against Tobacco is a student-led organization that aims to fight back against Big Tobacco and raise awareness for the dangerous messages and marketing practices at play.
SWAT members have the unique opportunity to influence local policy change while developing important leadership skills along the way
Mobilize Against Big Tobacco
Tobacco use is primarily established during adolescence, which is when the brain is developing most.
By participating in SWAT, students can gain volunteer hours and valuable experience participating in outreach initiatives, tobacco counter-marketing campaigns, policy advocacy, and more.
E-Cigarettes and Vaping
Disposable E-Cigarette Cartridges
Disposable e-cigarettes come in bright colored packaging that easily appeals to youth. The variety of enticing flavors appeal to kids, which includes choices of:
- Sour Apple
- Watermelon
- Orange, Mango, Guava (O.M.G)
- Sweet Cream
- Menthol
- Berry
Different Types of Vaping Products
Many different e-cigarettes and vapes imitate the easily concealable and sleek designs of technology like
- USBs
- Flash drives
- Pens
- Markers
Tobacco and Cigarette Smoking
Secondhand Smoke DangersThere is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure. Nonsmokers who are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or at work increase their risk of:
- Heart disease by 25-30%
- Lung cancer by 20-30%
- Stroke by 20-30%
Secondhand smoke can be prevented in simple ways both inside and outside of the home by:
- Eliminating smoking in the home and car
- Encouraging family members to quit smoking or go outside
- Eliminating smoking in public spaces
Chemicals and toxins in commercial tobacco smoke

Found in Gasoline

Used in paint thinners

Used in household cleaner

Used in Lighter Fluid

Used in making batteries

Used in chemical weapons
Signs of Youth Vaping
There are a number of physical indicators that your child may be vaping. Here are some of the things to look for if you are concerned.
- Skin: Nicotine ages the skin, slows wound healing. Increases blemishes like acne or red spots
- Nosebleeds: Vaping dries out the nasal passageways and a dry nose can crack or bleed
- Vaper's tongue: Vaping causes dry mouth which dulls taste perception. People tend to lean toward spicier, saltier, and more flavorful foods
- Irritability: Your child may be more irritable or easily frustrated when they vape, especially if they go long periods in between uses
- Risk taking: Vaping impairs the prefrontal cortex, so they may begin to exhibit risky behaviors or make unsound decisions.
- Sleeplessness: Nicotine can affect sleep patterns and create a sense of restlessness & causes trouble falling asleep and staying asleep
Nicotine and Youth
- Nicotine can harm the developing adolescent brain. The brain keeps developing until the age of 25
- Using nicotine in adolescence can harm the parts of the brain that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control
- Using nicotine in adolescence may also increase the risk for future addiction to other drugs
- Youth turn to vaping to deal with stress and anxiety, creating a cycle of nicotine dependence, but nicotine addiction can be a source of stress
- The most common reason middle and high school students try an e-cigarette is because a friend used them
- Youth e-cigarette use has been linked with depression and anxiety
Florida Fast Facts
Every day in the United States, 1,600 young people under the age of 18 try their first cigarette, and nearly 200 end up smoking daily
- E-cigarettes have been the most used tobacco product among youth since 2014.
- In 2022, 1 in every 7 high school students reported that they had used E-cigarettes in the past 20 days.
- The way mass media shows tobacco product use as a normal activity can make young people want to try these products.
- Youth are more likely to use tobacco products if they see people their age or parents using them.
- There is a strong relationship between youth smoking and depression, anxiety, and stress.
- High school athletes are more likely to use smokeless tobacco than those of the same age who are not athletes.
- In 2022, 44.5% of students have seen other students use vape products on school property.
- In 2022, of students who used tobacco products, 73 % of their parents did not know they used tobacco products.
- In 2023, 56.8% of youth aged 11-17 were exposed to secondhand smoke via cigarettes or Electronic Vape Products.
- 15.6% of students are exposed to smoke from tobacco products in their own home.
- Many smokeless tobacco products cost less than conventional cigarettes and appeal to youth and low-income communities (Tobacco Free Florida).
Youth can access the e-cigarette quit program by texting "DITCHVAPE" to 88709
Parents and other adults looking to help young people quit should text "QUIT" to 202-899-7550
National Youth Crisis Hotline:
- 1-800-448-4663
- Provides 24/7 counseling and referrals to local drug treatment centers and shelters.
Local Resources
Everglades Area Health Education Center (AHEC). Pre-register for virtual group classes via phone at 877-819-2357 or visit Home - Everglades AHEC Tobacco ( for more information
For more information, please contact:
Elissa Hidalgo
Program Manager
Maria Cristine Javier
Senior Health Educator
Please note: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public record request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.
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